Wilderness Resource Area

From Arigon Wikipedia

The Wilderness Resource Area is located east of Mage Bank within 50~ wilderness. This area boasts an abundance of skills, such as Mining, Woodcutting, Fishing, Firemaking, Smithing and Summoning. Because this is in the wilderness, you gain an additional 1.5x base exp. To enter the area, you must pay a toll fee of 10,000 GP, and you can note your items with giles, for 2500 GP.

Mining[edit | edit source]

There are a handful of nodes located in the area, ranging from Iron to Rune as well as Red Sandstone, which can be unlocked using Prestige Points.

Ore XP Level
Iron 833 15
Coal 1252 30
Mithril 2004 55
Adamite 2379 70
Red Sandstone 3400 81
Runite 3132 85

Woodcutting[edit | edit source]

There are only 3 types of trees in the Wilderness Resource Area, Cursed Magic Trees, Dream Trees and Burning Trees. Burning trees offer the best woodcutting experience, at the risk of being in the wilderness.

Fishing[edit | edit source]

The Wilderness Resource Area is home of the Fury Shark, the best food around Arigon. Requiring 98 fishing, but well worth it.

Firemaking[edit | edit source]

Fire used for Firemaking training

Located near the gate, is a small blue flame. Which you can use your logs on, to train your firemaking.

Smithing[edit | edit source]

On the eastern side of the area, you can find the furnace and an anvil, which you can use to train your smithing.

Summoning[edit | edit source]

Next to the anvil, you will find a Obelisk, where at you can train your summoning. Although, there are no summoning shops nearby so this may not be an efficient place to train summoning.