
From Arigon Wikipedia
Revision as of 14:09, 6 November 2023 by Celestial (talk | contribs)
Bird view of the Home area
An ironman talking to the ironman. How iconic!
Sigil the Huntsman and a new player killing rabbits

This article contains information about the Home of Arigon. As there is a lot of information, feel free to navigate by using CTRL+F, or by clicking on the headings to the right (->). You can also close all headings that are not of interest to simplify your readings. If there's any missing information, please message 'celinees' on Discord.


In the middle of Home, you'll find a Pool of Prosperity alongside the Marketplace and bankers. It is the most popular location at Home due to its central position.


The bank is located in the northern parts of the home area and contains multiple useful objects. See list below for objects and explanations.

Ironman & Clan Building

The Ironman and clan building is located to the left/west of the bank. Inside players will find the Ironman and Clan Master who manage ironman ranks, shops and clan management. There will also be a Clan chest and a Ironman storage for players that want to claim clan-related rewards and group ironman players. The clan wars portal is used for PvP-oriented battles between clans. Clan owners can challenge each other whilst inside the building.

Salvaging Hub

The Salvaging hub contains useful assets for players that want to train or use the Salvaging skill. It mainly consists of two objects:

  • Constructor: Used to (de)construct items for or with salvage dust and items
  • Upgrader: Used to upgrade items with upgrade tokens

Shop House

Inside the shop house are all the characters that have a shop. Pretty basic, right? See the list for NPCs inside the building below. Click on them for more information:

Gambling Arena

All the way to the left/east is a massive gambling arena. It is mainly used for Flower Poker against other players, or for others to test their luck with the Gypsy at the Card table.

AFK Zone & Rabbits

South of Home lies the AFK zone and giant rabbit training zone. The AFK Zone is an area at home where players can train various skills while being Away From Keyboard (AFK) for 250k per hour. It is highly popular for players that want to reach all 99s as fast as possible since it allows them to train passively while being asleep or away, and actively when they have time to play Arigon.

Safe PKing, Tournament & Queen

To the right/east of the AFK zone, there's Safe PKing, Server tournaments and Queen of Arigon. People can enter the area with red portals if they want to do some Safe PKing. Outside of it sits Elvene who sings songs and hands out quests. There's also a grey tournament that leads to a server-wide tournament that's held by staff or every X hours. Finally, there's also Queen of Arigon's building in which she manages Arigon.

World Boss Arena

The world boss arena contains a world boss that is spawned by staff, through world boss jars or every 12 hours. Current available world bosses are Glod and Giant roc

Slayer & Combat Hub

Both the slayer and combat hub are located right/west of home. Players can teleport to the slayer hub by using CTRL+S. The slayer hub contains the Slayer master, a Bar dipper that can be used to empower bars, and also a Slayer portal that teleports you to your task in exchange for gold. The combat hub is small, and only contains a Combat trainer and combat dummies to test your max hits.