Lotto Max

From Arigon Wikipedia
Lotto Max at the Gamble Arena.

Lotto Max is the lottery master situated west of Home at the Gambling Arena (::gamble). Here, players may converge with him, should they wish to participate in the global Arigon lottery and test their luck.

Players are able to view the current pot by speaking to Lotto Max - This will also display whether or not the lottery is currently active as well as the player's total contribution towards the lottery.

Joining the Lottery[edit | edit source]

A player may join the global lottery by speaking to Lotto Max and selecting the "Enter Lottery" option in the dialogue. For a player to be eligible to join the lottery, they must contribute a minimum of 1,000,000 coins. It is worth noting that the more a player contributes to the lottery, the higher their probability is of winning the lottery pot.

Picking a winner[edit | edit source]

Once there's at least a total of 100,000,000 coins contributed to the lottery, a countdown of 3 hours will commence where players wait in anticipation for the lottery system to find a winner.

According to Lotto Max, the lottery system is "designed to save lottery progress even during server restart" and will find a winner regardless of whether or not players are online or offline at the time. This is to ensure that all players that participated have a fair shot at the prize.

Claiming winnings[edit | edit source]

Should a player happen to win the lottery, the coins will not be automatically deposited to the player's bank or inventory. Instead, the player must speak to Lotto Max and select the "Claim Winnings" option to claim their lottery winnings.

Disclaimer: Any form of gambling on Arigon is at own risk and should be done prudently and with care.