
From Arigon Wikipedia
Glod using his special attack where he raises his foot
A group killing the world boss
Glod drops 4 items
Simulated loot from 1,000 Glod kills

Glod is a world boss. The world boss is an event that spawns every 3 hours. The world bosses name is "Glod" and he is a 30,000 HP Giant. His attacks cannot be protected from so it's advised to use SoulSplit to regain some of your hitpoints while fighting him. Be aware, the world boss is in the wilderness in multi-combat so don't bring anything you don't want to lose

It is also advised to bring a team or a group of friends or your clan members for safety as pkers are around to attack you. Killing the world boss also teleblocks you so you will have to run down to 1 wilderness or wait out the teleblock timer to get back to safety.

Glod has some of the best drops in the game, along with artifacts you can trade in for a lot of PKP at "Death". There is also a pet drop you can receive named "Gloddy"

Players attempting to kill Glod will have to do a certain amount of damage before being awarded loot. Not doing enough damage to the boss will alert you that you did not receive loot due to lack of participation.

The loot is shared, So everyone that does enough damage to the boss will receive loot.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Glod has an AoE special attack where he raises his foot and stomps down doing damage to all players around him. Solo players may be able to lure Glod to the east from his spawn to the singles area, If your gear is good enough to avoid clans and pkers. As of April 9th this is still possible.