Sea Kraken

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The Sea Kraken has been fished from the depths of the oceans, lured to land by fishers just looking for a daily catch.

How it works[edit | edit source]

Getting Started

Upon arriving at the island, right-click Alry to get a falcon. Equip your bird and grab some King worms nearby. Click on the Aerial fishing spots. You will receive fish, these can be cut with a knife for Fish chunks to use as bait.

Main article: Aerial fishing

The Fight

Once the Sea Kraken has been fed to 100%, it will emerge from the water.

The boss can only be damaged whilst using a falcon. You must repeatably click the boss to cause damage.

The boss will summon slugs to heal itself. Lay box traps down to catch the slugs. They will be lured into the traps and stop healing the boss.

Once the boss dies, you will receive Sea kraken caskets.

Getting There[edit | edit source]

Aerial fishing

The Aerial Fishing teleport is listed under Skilling > Fishing > Option 2

Drops[edit | edit source]

To be added soon

Useful Tips[edit | edit source]

  • Do not spam fishing spots. It will use bait without attempting to catch a fish or contribute progress towards spawning the boss.
  • You feed the boss at a rate of 0.08% per bait. It is best to boss hunt with a larger crowd.