Land of Goblins

From Arigon Wikipedia

Introduction to Land of Goblins[edit | edit source]

Land of Goblins (or LoG for short) is a challenging raid that will force you to get used to the mechanics of prayer flicking, movement from dangerous tiles and keeping calm under pressure when you make a mistake.

There are two modes for this raid, Easy & Hard mode (like the other raids). You can still get loot in Easy mode, but the amount of rolls from the key you receive & the drop rate of unique items is greatly reduced in Easy mode, meaning once you get to grips with it, it's generally worth grinding Hard mode over Easy mode unless you're very much in entry gear and perks. I would highly recommend learning all raids in their Easy variant before jumping into Hard when you're more comfortable with the mechanics, as Easy mode does considerably less damage and the bosses have less HP than in the Hard variant.

You will need three attack styles to complete this raid. There's no real minimum to gear requirements; the raid is fully doable with 0 damage taken so you can do the raid in any gear. But I would recommend as a bare minimum Goldrift void, Whip / Trident / Rune Knives & some damage pet perks (ideally -1 tick in one or more attack styles), or tribrid barrows sets with Amulet of the Damned (I recommend Ahrims, Karils & Torags, but any of the Melee sets work). Better gear will mean you're able to complete the raid more quickly, as this raid is entirely combat based.

Video Guide[edit | edit source]

The Raid[edit | edit source]

The raid mechanics for each wave are the same, except with every new General a new attack type is introduced. Pray against the style of the attacking boss, and avoid mechanics that the Emperor fires at you from his safe area. You will only need to move when he has text above his head, as these are the only attacks of his which will land and either damage you, cause an effect, or create a damaging smoke cloud on the tile. The quickest way to identify which attack he's using is by the capitalised word in each sentence, allowing you to quickly identify and react to the oncoming threat.

The Mechanics[edit | edit source]

The Generals[edit | edit source]

Each boss will have Protection Prayers against two combat styles, indicating which attack you need to hit the boss with. They pray against the styles they aren't weak to based on the Combat Triangle. If you hit any boss with a style they're praying against, you'll take a large amount of reflect damage for every hitsplat you hit them with based on the damage you deal. As such, it's essential that you attack with the correct style when fighting the bosses.

The prayers and attack styles required for each boss are as follows:

  • General Gromblod - This General fights with Ranged, meaning you need to exclusively hit this boss with Melee attacks. He prays against Magic & Ranged attacks.
  • General Shredflesh - This General fights with Melee, meaning you need to exclusively hit this boss with Magic attacks. He prays against Melee & Ranged attacks.
  • General Bre'egth - This General fights with Magic, meaning you need to exclusively hit this boss with Ranged attacks. He prays against Magic & Melee attacks.

The Goblin Emperor[edit | edit source]

The Goblin Emperor will attack you throughout every wave that has a General involved (Waves 1, 3, 5 & 7), and The Showdown.

The attacks from the Emperor are as follows:

  • You will SMOKED by my mastered skills! - This attack is active from the start of the raid on General Gromblod's wave. The Emperor will fire a grey projectile at the position of your character when the animation is fired. When it lands, this will create a damaging plume of smoke on the tile which will rapidly deal typeless damage to you. You should ALWAYS avoid this mechanic, as it will lead to a swift death.
  • You will be SHOCKED by my powers! - This attack is active from the third wave of the raid, General Shredflesh's wave. The Emperor will fire a blue projectile at the position of your character when the animation is fired. If your character is hit by the projectile you'll take a large amount of typeless damage, and your character will be inflicted with the 'Shocked' debuff - this will periodically cause your character to cancel any queued actions, stunning you for 1 tick on the tile you're standing on and dealing 100 typeless damage to your character. This lasts a long time, and can lead to a really quick death if it stuns you when you need to dodge or prayer flick, so this should ALWAYS be avoided.
  • You will PRAY when you witness my strength! - This attack is active from the fifth wave of the raid, General Bre'egth's wave. The Emperor will fire a purple/pink projectile at the position of your character when the animation is fired. When this hits your character it will fully disable your prayers. While this can lead to you taking a large amount of damage if it causes you to miss a prayer from the bosses, the attack itself does no damage, so you can SOMETIMES tank this attack if it will be beneficial to you (such as when you're low HP and need to eat or focus on prayer flicking).
  • You will be BOMBED by my spells! - This attack is active from the seventh wave of the raid, the Triple Generals wave. The Emperor will mark three tiles on the map with black lightning, which he will then fire three brown explosive barrels at. If you're standing in the radius of the explosion, you'll get hit for 650 typeless damage, so it's ESSENTIAL you dodge this mechanic at all times. This can also stack, meaning you can take 1300 or very rarely 1950 typeless damage, meaning unless you dodge this you will lose the raid. Keep a close eye out for this mechanic on & after the Triple Generals wave.
  • The Emperor will sometimes fire a black projectile towards your character without any text above his head. This attack can be safely ignored completely.
  • During Respite waves, Flame Vortexes will be thrown out onto the floor. These are basically like land mines on a timer, and these deal up to 500 typeless damage to you based on how close you are to it (2x2, 3x3 and 4x4 AoE radius around the centre point are the damage falloffs). Avoid these by simply not standing near them. It's not essential to avoid these unless there's two tightly packed together, as you can Soul Split the health back from the minions.

The Waves[edit | edit source]

Wave 1[edit | edit source]

Your first wave will be fighting the first of three Goblin Generals under the control of the Emperor, General Gromblod. This is a simple wave, all you need to do is pray Ranged and use Melee on the boss while moving a tile every time a SMOKED attack comes your way.

Wave 2[edit | edit source]

This is a Respite wave. The Goblin Emperor won't attack you during this wave, and will instead call for Angry Goblins to attack you. In Easy mode this will be 2 Angry Goblins per player in the raid, and in Hard mode it'll be 3 per player. Pray Melee or Soul Split and kill the goblins to move to the next wave. This is a good opportunity to heal up and make sure your Prayer is regenerated, double check Overload timers etc before continuing with the raid.

Wave 3[edit | edit source]

Once the Angry Goblins are killed, you'll be fighting the second of the Goblin Generals, General Shredflesh. This is a simple wave, all you need to do is pray Melee and use Magic on the boss while moving a tile every time a SMOKED or a SHOCKED attack comes your way.

Wave 4[edit | edit source]

This is another Respite wave, though this time there will be 4 Angry Goblins per player on Easy or 6 per player on Hard. Repeat the same process as the last Respite wave.

Wave 5[edit | edit source]

Once the Angry Goblins are killed again, you'll be fighting the third General, General Bre'egth. Another simple wave, all you need to do is pray Magic and use Ranged on the boss while moving a tile every time a SMOKED, SHOCKED or PRAY attack comes your way.

Wave 6[edit | edit source]

This is the final Respite wave. There will be 6 Angry Goblins per player on Easy or 9 per player on Hard. Repeat the same process as the last Respite wave, and get ready for the most difficult wave of the raid.

Wave 7 - The Triple Generals Wave[edit | edit source]

This is the hardest wave in the Raid by a considerable amount, and brings every mechanic & General into the raid at the same time, while introducing the BOMBED mechanic as well. The Triple Generals will spawn all at once, and the Goblin Emperor will fire an attack around the same time. A General will then be selected at random to hit you first. If you can pray flick very quickly, keep an eye on the Generals and see which one attacks first = if you get the prayer up by the second tick of the animation of the attack, you'll block the damage. If not, or if you're not comfortable switching this quickly, tank the hit & eat up, and make a note of which General hit you first.

The attack rotation for the Generals is Melee > Mage > Range > Repeat, so if the first hit is Melee, you'll need to pray Mage next. If the first hit is Mage you'll need to pray Ranged next, and if it's Ranged you'll need to pray Melee. This is a difficult wave, so don't be too upset if you don't get it first try.

I would recommend using Magic or Ranged first as you have more room to maneuver in, and if you're comfortable Soul Splitting between the hits then you can more comfortable get the hits in with these styles.

When one boss dies, switch styles and move onto the next, and repeat this until all three are dead while avoiding mechanics from the Emperor and prayer flicking between the Generals'attacks.

Wave 8 - The Showdown[edit | edit source]

This is the last wave of the raid. If you've made it this far, congratulations - this one's a lot more relaxing than the last one! (Though you still need to be watching closely for the mechanics he's been using throughout the raid).

This one's just a case of using Magic or Ranged to kill the boss while Soul Splitting, avoiding all of the mechanics he's been using throughout the raid. Your main risk of death here is the BOMBED mechanic, so keep a close eye out for that and whittle his health down.

Closing Notes[edit | edit source]

Congratulations on completing your first Land of Goblins raid! You'll receive some cash (3750k for Easys, 7500k for Hards) and a Goblin Raid Key based on the difficulty you completed. I recommend stockpiling keys and opening when the Raids PoP boost is active, and with Spotlight too if you want some extra rolls - or you can just open them when you finish each Raid.

It's a hard raid to get used to with a lot of challenging mechanics being introduced, especially if you're unfamiliar with this type of content - so don't get discouraged if you struggle to get your first kill. It's advised to do this in a team to be more forgiving if you die and for faster times, but it's completely viable to solo too.