Death mechanics

From Arigon Wikipedia

Death occurs when a player's Hitpoints reach zero, a message in the Chat Interface will inform them: Oh dear, you are dead! Players who die are respawned at home, losing all but three of the most valuable items that they were carrying at the time of death. Players have to pay a fee to retrieve items from the Master of Death.

You can also check out safe deaths to see where you may lose hardcore rank or keep it.

Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Pets[edit | edit source]

  • If a pet (following or in inventory) is lost on death:
    • If insured it will be sent to lost items otherwise they will be gone forever

Items[edit | edit source]

  • Untradeables will not be lost in the wilderness at any level
  • Any items that are sent to the lost items in a pvp death, the killer will be given the price it costs to buy-back the item
  • Items with a sub-container (looting bag, skiller's backpack, runepouch):
    • On pvp death the container items will be dropped for the killer and the main item will be sent to the lost items (except looting bag and runepouch, they will be deleted)
  • Red skull will always drop every item regardless of protect item prayers

Constructed & Charged Items[edit | edit source]

  • Some items which are constructed by using multiple items together (faceguard, ornament kits) will be deconstructed and dropped for the killer (only pvp)
  • Items with charges will have the item uncharged and charges dropped for killer (pvp)

All lost items can be purchased from the Master of Death.