Arena of Avatars

From Arigon Wikipedia

Introduction to Arena of Avatars[edit | edit source]

A screenshot displaying both Avatars waiting for battle.

The Arena of Avatars (::AOA) was introduced into Arigon on the 23rd of February 2024, and is a new raid constructed for beginners with forgiving mechanics and ample rewards - it is a great way for new players to obtain starting wealth and supplies. The whole raid consists of a single room with 2 bosses (Avatars) that the player will have to fight simultaneously before being able to open the rewards chest.

As this is a beginner raid, it has a "Helper system" on Easy Mode which will show the player instructions for the various mechanics you'll meet in the raid. The main mechanic of the whole raid is defeating both Avatars whilst keeping their hitpoints within 2,000 of each other. Failing to do this will punish the player by continuously taking damage until the mechanic's requirement is met.

You accumulate points which will decide the rewards you will receive after completing the raid - the points are capped at a maximum of 50,000 points.

Note: Dying in Easy Mode will NOT block re-entry access but will instead remove 50% of your accumulated points within the Raid.

Requirements[edit | edit source]

  1. To complete the raid, the player must bring all three combat styles (Magic/Ranged/Melee) due to the Avatars' overhead prayers.
  2. Tier 70 gear or above is heavily recommended (Barrows equipment or above).
  3. Combat potions or Overloads. The latter is not a necessity but will drastically increase the time it takes to complete the raid.
  4. Food, Saradomin brews and Super restore potions.
  5. Stamina potions can be brought as you'll be running around a lot, evading the various attacks, although not required.

Gear Setup[edit | edit source]

Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Avatars[edit | edit source]

  • The Avatar of Destruction (Left side) will always start with Protect from ranged and melee.
  • The Avatar of Creation (Right side) will always start with Protect from magic and melee.
  • Both Avatars will change their overhead prayers throughout the fight. This is indicated by the white lines that appear around the Avatars. Should the player attack with the wrong attack style, the Avatar will deflect a portion of the player's damage back to the player.
  • Both Avatars will attack you with different attack styles which is indicated by the color of the spell they throw at you; Blue (Magic), Green (Ranged) and Red (Melee).

Other attack spells[edit | edit source]

Apart from the 3 combat style attacks, the Avatars will throw random spells at the player - these are listed below;

  • Pink fire breath; The player must disable any overhead prayers to avoid taking damage.
  • Arrow attack; The player must gain distance from where they were originally standing and avoid standing in the white puddles.
  • Blue shock spell; The player must move away from the tile they were originally standing on to avoid damage and being stunned.
  • Brown boulder; The player must move away from the tile they were originally standing on.
  • Random Portal; A portal will spawn on the ground at a random location - the player must stand on the portal. Failing to do this will result in taking 400+ damage.
  • Lightning waves; A vertical line of lightning will spawn from either side and slowly move to the opposite side and disappear. The player must stand between the space where there is no lightning to avoid damage.
  • Falling boulders; Occasionally, boulders will fall from the sky which the player must avoid by sidestepping them.
  • Blue lightning rods; 3 lightning rods will spawn and slowly follow the player. The player must manoeuver away from these to avoid taking damage.

Defeating the Avatars[edit | edit source]

Equip your Magic or Ranged equipment and enter one of the two portals to start the Raid. Depending on your equipped attack style, attack either of the Avatars that are NOT protecting against your attack style. It is recommended to start with magic gear and attack The Avatar of Destruction as it takes considerably more damage from magic spells than the opposite Avatar does from ranged attacks.

Should the player attack an Avatar with the wrong attack style, the Avatar will deflect a portion of the player's damage back to the player. As such, the player should be cautious of the Avatar changing their overhead prayers.

Lower the health of whichever Avatar you decided to attack but remember to not reduce its' health too much as both Avatars must be defeated whilst keeping their hitpoints 2,000 of each other as mentioned in the introduction - failing to do this will result in the player taking constant damage.

Keep an eye on the "Helper System" which will be indicated beneath the Avatars' health bars (Top-center of the screen). This system will help you throughout the entire raid by implying the incoming attack and instructing you what to do to avoid said attack.

Rewards[edit | edit source]

A screenshot displaying the various rewards a player may receive from Arena of Avatars.

Once you've defeated both Avatars, you've completed the raid and may continue through the white neutral barrier to claim your rewards by clicking on the black chest.

Apart from the collection log rewards, a player may also receive various skilling supplies, potions and coins. Additionally, the player will be rewarded with experience points in the Slaughter skill.

The reward you receive depends on your total accumulated points throughout the raid. A minimum of 45,000 points is required to start rolling for glove drops.