Sea Kraken

From Arigon Wikipedia
Revision as of 12:47, 3 June 2024 by TesaGivens (talk | contribs) (quick edit to get info to players)
This article is currently under construction.
The information contained within should not be considered fully accurate and/or complete.

The Sea Kraken is fished from the depths of the oceans, lured to land by fishers just looking for a daily catch.

Current Info

  • Hunting fish via aerial fishing will now eventually summon the Sea Kraken
  • The Sea Kraken can only be damaged whilst using a falcon
  • The Sea Kraken will spawn vines which players must avoid
  • The Sea Kraken will spawn sea slugs that heal her which will need to be captured via a Box trap
  • Defeating the Sea Kraken will yield Sea Kraken chests containing many supplies and rewards


Useful Tips