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Arigon: A Closer Look at the Skill Prestige Perks

In Arigon, one of the unique features players can take advantage of is the Skill Prestige system. This system allows players to earn prestige points by elevating their skills to a higher rank or "prestige". This process, while resetting the player's skill level back to its initial state, rewards them with prestige points that can be exchanged for exclusive rewards and perks, enhancing the overall gameplay experience and offering further progression beyond the standard level caps.

Prestiging a skill is a straightforward process. First, players must journey to Arigon's home and navigate to the shop district. Here, they'll find an NPC known as the Prestige Master. By interacting with the Prestige Master, players can select the skill they wish to prestige. It's important to note that all items should be unequipped before beginning the process.

Perks and Rewards

Let's take a closer look at these perks:
  1. Starlight Miner (Costs: 1,850 points): Doubling the experience and stardust gained from the shooting star, this perk is a dream come true for avid miners.
  2. Lab Technician (Costs: 1,500 points): Perfect for potion masters, this perk ensures potions turn into (4) dose, increasing their usage and efficiency.
  3. Master Farmer (Costs: 1,500 points): Promising a 10% increase in yield for all farming crops, this perk is a boon for those with a green thumb.
  4. Fletchmaster Pro (Costs: 1,350 points): Speed is the name of the game for Fletchmaster Pro holders, making fletching 1 tick faster.
  5. Gemini (Costs: 1,000 points): Crafting gems will be 1 tick faster, making this perk a gem in itself for crafters.
  6. Ballsy (Costs: 1,000 points): Double your production with this perk, creating 8 cannon balls instead of the usual 4.
  7. Realms of Rune (Costs: 900 points): Runecrafters will find this perk enchanting, earning 25% more runes.
  8. Lucky Charms (Costs: 850 points): Summoners can rejoice with Lucky Charms, gaining 2 additional summoning charms.
  9. Sacrificial (Costs: 800 points): This perk provides a 10% chance of saving a bone while sacrificing a bone on an altar.
  10. Nimble Fingers (Costs: 800 points): A true thief's companion, offering a 10% chance of stealing from a stall twice.
  11. Plenty O Fish (Costs: 800 points): Anglers will appreciate this perk, offering a 10% chance of catching an additional fish.
  12. Master Baiter (Costs: 750 points): Make fishing less of a hassle; fishing no longer requires bait with this perk.
  13. Graceful (Costs: 750 points): This perk allows you to receive a bonus graceful mark.
  14. Master Chef (Costs: 600 points): This perk gives a 35% chance of saving a burnt fish, perfect for the culinary inclined.
  15. The Rock (Costs: 600 points): Miners will find this perk solid, with a 10% chance of mining an additional ore.
  16. Fire Hands (Costs: 500 points): Firemakers will enjoy this perk, providing a 10% chance of saving a log while firemaking.
  17. Lumberjack (Costs: 500 points): Woodcutters get a boost with a 10% chance of chopping an additional log.
Shop Rewards

Rewards for prestige points are displayed in the shop, offering players a visual guide to the benefits they can gain from participating in the prestige system. These rewards add an extra layer of depth to the game, giving dedicated players something to strive for and rewarding their hard work with powerful and useful benefits.

Whether you're a master of one skill or a jack of all trades, the Skill Prestige system in Arigon offers an exciting way to push your abilities even further, providing you with a wealth of rewards and enhancements that can greatly enrich your gaming experience.