
From Arigon Wikipedia
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Hunter is a skill in which players catch different animals and creatures in Arigon. Using hunting equipment bought from hunter stores, players can hunt specific creatures obtaining rewards such as chinchompas, and the fabled Dragon and Kingly implings.


Levelling up Hunter allows players to lay more traps at once.

Hunter Level Total traps
1 1
20 2
40 3
60 4
80 5

Training Hunter

Levels 1 - 43: Crimson Swifts

Crimson Swifts are located at the beach in the Hunter Zone You need a Bird snare to catch them.

File:Catching Crimson Swifts.png
Player placing bird snares to hunt Crimson Swifts

Levels 43 – 63: Falconry

Catching spotted kebbits (and File:Dark kebbit.png dark kebbits at level 57) using the Falconry technique offers the fastest experience from level 43 to 63. They are located in the Piscatoris Falconry area.

Player Hunting Spotted Kebbits through Falconry

Levels 63 - 77: Red chinchompas

Hunting carnivorous chinchompas offers relatively fast Hunter experience.

Player Hunting Red Chinchompas in the Gwenith Hunter Area

Levels 77 - 99: Grenwalls

Catching Grenwalls requiring a Hunter level of 77 to catch and offer the fastest experience. You will need box traps in order to catch them.

Player Hunting Grenwalls at the Isafdar Hunter Area

Alternative: Puro-Puro

Players may also catch Implings at Puro-Puro as an alternative if they prefer more click-intense but rewarding experience.