
From Arigon Wikipedia

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Name Description Rewards Difficulty
Welcome to Arigon Complete Arigon's tutorial Coin casket (small) Easy
View your Profile Open your profile for the first time Coin casket (small) Easy
View Someone's Profile View someone's profile for the first time Coin casket (small) Easy
View Collection Log Open the collection log for the first time Coin casket (small) Easy
View Drop Viewer Open the drop viewer for the first time Coin casket (small) Easy
View Drop Simulator Open the drop simulator for the first time Coin casket (small) Easy
View Item Itinerary Open the item itinerary for the first time Coin casket (small) Easy
View the Prestige Interface Open the prestige interface for the first time Coin casket (small) Easy
View Battle Pass View the battle pass for the first time Coin casket (small) Easy
Battle Pass Fully complete 1 battle pass Coin casket (supreme) and scratch card Easy
Safe Spender Spend 1,000,000 gp from your bank vault Coin casket (supreme) and scratch card Easy
Equipment Repair Repair some broken items Coin casket (small) Easy
Gear Preset Create your first gear preset Coin casket (small) Easy
Voting Vote for Arigon for the first time Mystery box (Vote) and Coin casket (small) Easy
Voting Vote for Arigon 10 times 3 Mystery boxes (Vote) and 3 Coin caskets (small) Medium
Voting Vote for Arigon 100 times 10 Mystery boxes (Vote), 3 Coin caskets (medium) and 5$ Bond Hard
Voting Vote for Arigon 500 times 25 Mystery boxes (Vote), 5 Coin caskets (large) and 5 5$ Bonds Epic
Voting Vote for Arigon 1000 times 35Mystery boxes (Vote), 10 Coin caskets (large) and 10 5$ Bonds Maniac
Loot Keys Open your first loot key Coin casket (medium) and Supply crate Easy
Loot Keys Open 10 loot keys Coin casket (large) and Supply crate (medium) Medium
Loot Keys Open 100 loot keys Coin casket (supreme) and Supply crate (large) Hard
Loot Keys Open 500 loot keys 2 Coin caskets (supreme) and 2 Supply crate (large) Epic
Loot Keys Open 1000 loot keys Loot key (Exotic), Coin casket (supreme) and Supply crate (large) Maniac
Adventure Path Fully complete the Adventure Path quest 10,000,000 Gold Easy
Item Upgrader Successfully upgrade your first item Coin casket (medium) and Supply crate Easy
Item Upgrader Successfully upgrade 3 items Coin casket (large) and Supply crate (medium) Medium
Item Upgrader Successfully upgrade 7 items Coin casket (supreme) and Supply crate (large) Hard
Item Upgrader Successfully upgrade 13 items 2 Coin caskets (large) and 2 Supply crates (large) Epic
Item Upgrader Successfully upgrade 20 items Loot key (Exotic), Coin casket (large) and Supply large (medium) Maniac
Trivia Bot Answer the Trivia Bot 1 time 1 Vote ticket Easy
Trivia Bot Answer the Trivia Bot 10 times 3 Vote ticket Medium
Trivia Bot Answer the Trivia Bot 100 times 10 Vote ticket Hard
Trivia Bot Answer the Trivia Bot 500 times 50 Vote ticket Epic
Trivia Bot Answer the Trivia Bot 1000 times Loot Key (Exotic) and 100 Vote ticket Maniac
Trivia Bot Streak Answer the Trivia Bot 5 times in a row 1 Vote ticket Easy
Trivia Bot Streak Answer the Trivia Bot 10 times in a row 3 Vote tickets Medium
Trivia Bot Streak Answer the Trivia Bot 20 times in a row 10 Vote tickets Hard
Trivia Bot Streak Answer the Trivia Bot 35 times in a row 50 Vote tickets Epic
Trivia Bot Streak Answer the Trivia Bot 60 times in a row Loot Key (Exotic) and 100 Vote tickets Maniac
Daily Task Complete 10 Daily tasks Loot key (Daily) and Coin casket (small) Easy
Daily Task Complete 50 Daily tasks 3 Loot key (Daily) and 3 Coin caskets (medium) Medium
Daily Task Complete 150 Daily tasks 8 Loot key (Daily) and 3 Coin caskets (large) Hard
Daily Task Complete 650 Daily tasks 15 Loot key (Daily) and 5 Coin caskets (large) Epic
Daily Task Complete 1500 Daily tasks 25 Loot key (Daily), Loot keys (Exotic) and 10 Coin caskets (large) Maniac
Daily Rewards Claim your first daily reward Loot key (Daily) and Coin casket (small) Easy
Daily Rewards Claim 10 daily rewards 3 Loot key (Daily) Medium
Daily Rewards Claim 30 daily rewards 5 Loot key (Daily) Hard
Daily Rewards Claim 60 daily rewards 10 Loot key (Daily) Epic
Daily Rewards Claim 100 daily rewards 10 Loot key (Daily) and Loot keys (Exotic) Maniac
Collection Log Fully complete 1 collection log 10 Coin caskets (large) Easy
Collection Log Fully complete 3 collection logs 15 Coin caskets (large) and Loot key (Rare) Medium
Collection Log Fully complete 8 collection logs 25 Coin caskets (large), 2 Loot key (Rare) and 1 (Exotic) Hard
Collection Log Fully complete 15 collection logs 50 Coin caskets (large), 2 Loot key (Rare), 1 (Wilderness) and 1 (Exotic) Epic
Collection Log Fully complete 25 collection logs 100mil GP, 5 5$ Bonds, 5 Loot keys (Exotic) and (Wilderness) Maniac
World Bosses Help defeat the world boss 5 times 5,000 Gold and Loot key (rare) Easy
World Bosses Help defeat the world boss 25 times 10,000 Gold and 2 Loot keys (rare) Medium
World Bosses Help defeat the world boss 50 times 15,000 Gold and 3 Loot keys (rare) Hard
World Bosses Help defeat the world boss 65 times 20,000 Gold, 2 Loot keys (rare) and 1 (exotic) Epic
World Bosses Help defeat the world boss 100 times 25,000 Gold, 2 Loot keys (rare) and 1 (exotic) Manic
Vote Bosses Help defeat the vote boss 5 times 5,000 Gold and a vote ticket Easy
Vote Bosses Help defeat the vote boss 10 times 100,000 Gold and 3 vote tickets Medium
Vote Bosses Help defeat the vote boss 25 times 250,000 Gold and 5 vote tickets Hard
Vote Bosses Help defeat the vote boss 50 times 50,000 Gold, 10 vote tickets and 1 Loot key (exotic) Epic
Vote Bosses Help defeat the vote boss 100 times 25,000 Gold, 5 5$ bonds, 15 vote tickets and 1 Loot key (rare) Manic
World Events Win the world event 1 time 5,000 Gold Easy
World Events Win the world event 3 times 10,000 Gold Medium
World Events Win the world event 6 times 15,000 Gold and a Loot key (Rare) Hard
World Events Win the world event 12 times 20,000 Gold and 2 vote tickets Epic
World Events Win the world event 20 times 25,000 Gold, 3 vote tickets, Loot key (Exotic) and a coin casket (supreme) Supreme
Exercising Earn 100,000 experience by exercising Loot key (common) Easy
Exercising Earn 1,000,000 experience by exercising Loot key (uncommon) Medium
Exercising Earn 10,00,000 experience by exercising Loot key (rare) Hard
Exercising Earn 25,000 experience by exercising 2 Loot keys (rare) Epic
Exercising Earn 50,000,000 experience by exercising Goodie bag Maniac
Goodie bags Open your first goodie bag 100K Gold Easy
Goodie bags Open your 3rd goodie bag 1Mil Gold Medium
Goodie bags Open your 10th goodie bag 3Mil Gold Hard
Goodie bags Open your 25th goodie bag 5Mil Gold Epic
Goodie bags Open your 50th goodie bag 10Mil Gold and a goodie bag Maniac
Clue Scrolls Complete your first clue scroll 100K Gold Easy
Clue Scrolls Complete your 15th clue scroll 1Mil Gold Medium
Clue Scrolls Complete your 50th clue scroll 3Mil Gold Hard
Clue Scrolls Complete your 100th clue scroll 5Mil Gold and a goodie bag Epic
Clue Scrolls Complete your 500th clue scroll 10Mil Gold, Loot key (exotic) and a goodie bag Maniac
Random Events Claim 1 reward from a random event 10K Gold Easy
Random Events Claim 5 rewards from a random event 100K Gold Medium
Random Events Claim 10 reward from a random event 150K Gold Hard
Random Events Claim 20 reward from a random event 200K Gold Epic
Random Events Claim 50 reward from a random event 350K Gold and a Loot key (Rare) Maniac
Gold Rush Gain 500,00 gold total from Gold Rush 500K Gold Easy
Gold Rush Gain 1,000,000 gold total from Gold Rush 1Mil Gold Medium
Gold Rush Gain 5,000,000 gold total from Gold Rush 5Mil Gold Hard
Gold Rush Gain 10,000,00 gold total from Gold Rush 10Mil Gold Epic
Gold Rush Gain 25,000,000 gold total from Gold Rush 25Mil Gold Maniac
Fountain of Rune Re-charge 1 amulet of glory Uncut dragonstone Easy
Fountain of Rune Re-charge 10 amulet of glory 5 Uncut dragonstones Medium
Fountain of Rune Re-charge 100 amulet of glory 50 Uncut dragonstone Hard
Fountain of Rune Re-charge 500 amulet of glory 350 Uncut dragonstone Epic
Fountain of Rune Re-charge 1,000 amulet of glory 400 Uncut dragonstones and 1 uncut onyx Maniac
Clan Task Complete 1 clan task Coin casket (small) Easy
Clan Task Complete 10 clan task 3 Coin caskets (small) Medium
Clan Task Complete 25 clan task 3 Coin caskets (medium) Hard
Clan Task Complete 55 clan task 5 Coin caskets (large) and 2 Loot keys (uncommon) Epic
Clan Task Complete 220 clan task 10 Coin caskets (large), 3 Loot keys (uncommon), 2 (rare) and 1 (wilderness) Maniac
Pets Obtain 1 pet Coin casket (large) and a loot key (uncommon) Easy
Pets Obtain 3 pets Coin casket (supreme), 3 loot keys (common) and a loot key (uncommon) Medium
Pets Obtain 5 pet 5 Coin caskets (supreme) and 3 loot key (uncommon) Hard
Pets Obtain 10 pet 5 Coin casket (supreme) and a loot key (rare) Epic
Pets Obtain 20 pet 10 Coin casket (large), 2 loot keys (uncommon), 1 rare and 1 exotic Maniac
Pet Perks Unlock 1 type of pet perk Coin casket (large) and (small) Easy
Pet Perks Unlock 5 type of pet perk Coin casket (large), 3 (medium) and (small) Medium
Pet Perks Unlock 15 type of pet perk Coin casket (supreme), 2 (large), 2 (medium) and 3 (small) Hard
Pet Perks Unlock 25 type of pet perk 5 Coin caskets (supreme) and (large) Epic
Pet Perks Unlock 35 type of pet perk 10 Coin caskets (supreme), 2 loot keys (uncommon), 1 (rare) and 1 (exotic) Maniac
Pet Perks Tiers Complete 3 pet perk upgrades Coin casket (large) and (small) Easy
Pet Perks Tiers Complete 3 pet perk upgrades Coin casket (large), 3 (medium) and (small) Medium
Pet Perks Tiers Complete 3 pet perk upgrades Coin casket (supreme), 2 (large), 2 (medium) and 3 (small) Hard
Pet Perks Tiers Complete 3 pet perk upgrades 5 Coin caskets (supreme) and (large) Epic
Pet Perks Tiers Complete 3 pet perk upgrades 10 Coin caskets (supreme), 2 loot keys (uncommon), 1 (rare) and 1 (exotic) Maniac
Quests completed Complete 1 quest 2 Coin caskets (small) Easy
Quests completed Complete 3 quest 3 Coin caskets (small) and 2 (medium) Medium
Quests completed Complete 5 quest 4 Coin caskets (small), 3 (medium) and 2 (large) Hard
Quests completed Complete 7 quest 5 Coin caskets (small), 4 (medium), 3 (large) and 1 (supreme) Epic
Quests completed Complete 10 quest 6 Coin caskets (small), 5 (medium), 4 (large) and 3 (supreme) Maniac