
From Arigon Wikipedia

Skilling[edit | edit source]

Name Description Rewards Difficulty
Alchemy Cast Low/High Alchemy 10 times Coin casket (small), 2 nature runes and 10 fire runes Easy
Alchemy Cast Low/High Alchemy 75 times Coin casket (small), 20 nature runes and 100 fire runes Medium
Alchemy Cast Low/High Alchemy 150 times Coin casket (medium), 50 nature runes and 250 fire runes Hard
Alchemy Cast Low/High Alchemy 750 times Coin casket (large), 50 nature runes and 250 fire runes Epic
Alchemy Cast Low/High Alchemy 1550 times Coin casket (supreme), 350 nature runes and 1750 fire runes Maniac
Total levels Earn 25 total levels in the Skilling zone 1,250 Skill tickets and supply crate Easy
Skill Pass Tasks Fully complete 1 skill pass 500k Coins, 5000 Skill Tickets, 50 Prestige point voucher and Supply crate Easy
Skill Pass Tasks Fully complete 3 skill passes 750k Coins, 7500 Skill Tickets, 75 Prestige point voucher and Supply crate (small) Medium
Skill Pass Tasks Fully complete 6 skill passes 1000k Coins, 10000 Skill Tickets, 100 Prestige point voucher and Supply crate (medium) Hard
Skill Pass Tasks Fully complete 10 skill passes 2000k Coins, 20000 Skill Tickets, 200 Prestige point voucher and Coin casket (large) Epic
Skill Pass Tasks Fully complete 50 skill passes 1500k Coins, 15000 Skill Tickets, 150 Prestige point voucher and Coin casket (large) Maniac
Skill Scrolls Complete your first skill scroll 500k Coins, 5000 Skill Tickets, 50 Prestige point voucher and Supply crate Easy
Skill Scrolls Complete 5 skill scrolls 750k Coins, 7500 Skill Tickets, 75 Prestige point voucher and Supply crate (small) Medium
Skill Scrolls Complete 15 skill scrolls 1000k Coins, 10000 Skill Tickets, 100 Prestige point voucher and Supply crate (medium) Hard
Skill Scrolls Complete 50 skill scrolls 2000k Coins, 20000 Skill Tickets, 200 Prestige point voucher and Coin casket (large) Epic
Skill Scrolls Complete 125 skill scrolls 1500k Coins, 15000 Skill Tickets, 150 Prestige point voucher and Coin casket (large) Maniac
Slayer Task Complete your first slayer task 25k Coins, 250 Skill Tickets and Supply crate Easy
Slayer Task Complete your 5th slayer task 50k Coins, 500 Skill Tickets and experience lamp (small) Medium
Slayer Task Complete your 10th slayer task 100k Coins, 1,00 Skill Tickets and 2 experience lamps (small) Hard
Slayer Task Complete your 100th slayer task 100k Coins, 1,00 Skill Tickets and experience lamps (medium) Epic
Slayer Task Complete your 1,000th slayer task 10Mil Coins, 100,000 Skill Tickets and 5 experience lamps (large) and goodie bag Maniac
Slayer Unlocks Complete your first slayer unlock 25k Coins, 250 Skill Tickets and Supply crate Easy
Slayer Unlocks Complete your 3rd slayer unlock 50k Coins, 500 Skill Tickets and experience lamp (small) Medium
Slayer Unlocks Complete your 5th slayer unlock 100k Coins, 1,00 Skill Tickets and 2 experience lamps (small) Hard
Slayer Unlocks Complete your 8th slayer unlock 100k Coins, 1,00 Skill Tickets and experience lamps (medium) Epic
Slayer Unlocks Complete your 13th slayer unlock 10Mil Coins, 100,000 Skill Tickets and 5 experience lamps (large) and goodie bag Maniac
Fire Starter Burn any logs 10 times 10 Logs Easy
Fire Starter Burn any logs 50 times 20 Willow logs Medium
Fire Starter Burn any logs 150 times 45 Yew logs Hard
Fire Starter Burn any logs 500 times 100 Magic logs Epic
Fire Starter Burn any logs 1,000 times 250 Magic logs Maniac
Agility Laps Run 1 lap of any Agility course 5 Marks of Grace Easy
Agility Laps Run 10 lap of any Agility course 35 Marks of Grace Medium
Agility Laps Run 25 lap of any Agility course 69 Marks of Grace Hard
Agility Laps Run 55 lap of any Agility course 120 Marks of Grace Epic
Agility Laps Run 100 lap of any Agility course 200 Marks of Grace Maniac
Herblore Mix a total of 10 drinkable potions 10 Guam potions (unf) Easy
Herblore Mix a total of 50 drinkable potions 20 Ranarr potions (unf) Medium
Herblore Mix a total of 150 drinkable potions 45 Irit potions (unf) Hard
Herblore Mix a total of 590 drinkable potions 85 Dwarf weed potions (unf) Epic
Herblore Mix a total of 1,000 drinkable potions 130 Torstol potions (unf) Maniac
Smith Lord Smith 10 metal items using an anvil 5 Bronze bars Easy
Smith Lord Smith 50 metal items using an anvil 20 Iron bars Medium
Smith Lord Smith 150 metal items using an anvil 45 Steel bars Hard
Smith Lord Smith 500 metal items using an anvil 65 Mithril bars Epic
Smith Lord Smith 1,000 metal items using an anvil 125 Adamant bars Maniac
Chopped Logs Accumulate a total of 100 chopped logs 25 Logs and 1000 skill tickets Easy
Chopped Logs Accumulate a total of 1,000 chopped logs 200 Maple ogs and 5000 skill tickets Medium
Chopped Logs Accumulate a total of 5,000 chopped logs 500 Yew logs, 10000 skill tickets and and small and medium coin casket Hard
Chopped Logs Accumulate a total of 10,00 chopped logs 1,000 Magic logs, 15000 skill tickets, large coin casket and 3 medium xp lamps Epic
Chopped Logs Accumulate a total of 20,000 chopped logs 25000 Skill tickets, 2 large coin caskets, 3 large experience lamps and a dragon hatchet Maniac
Stall Thiever Steal from the thieving stall 100 times 1000 Skill tickets and 25K cash Easy
Stall Thiever Steal from the thieving stall 250 times 2500 Skill tickets and 50K cash Medium
Stall Thiever Steal from the thieving stall 500 times 5000 Skill tickets and 100K cash Hard
Stall Thiever Steal from the thieving stall 1,000 times 10000 Skill tickets and 500K cash Epic
Stall Thiever Steal from the thieving stall 5,000 times 20000 Skill tickets and 2750K cash Maniac
Butterflies Catch 100 butterflies 1000 Skill tickets and 20 Young implings Easy
Butterflies Catch 250 butterflies 2500 Skill tickets and 45 Essence implings Medium
Butterflies Catch 500 butterflies 5000 Skill tickets and 100 Nature implings Hard
Butterflies Catch 1,000 butterflies 10000 Skill tickets and 125 Ninja implings Epic
Butterflies Catch 5,000 butterflies 20000 Skill tickets and 150 Dragon implings Maniac
Master Baiter Catch 100 fishes 1000 Skill tickets and 25 Raw trout Easy
Master Baiter Catch 250 fishes 1000 Skill tickets and 50 Raw bass Medium
Master Baiter Catch 500 fishes 5000 Skill tickets and 100 Raw swordfish Hard
Master Baiter Catch 1,000 fishes 15000 Skill tickets and 250 Raw sharks Epic
Master Baiter Catch 5,000 fishes 20000 Skill tickets and 500 Raw manta rays Maniac
Prestige Prestige any skill 1 time 500K Cash, 5000 skill tickets, 50 prestige vouchers and small supply crate Easy
Prestige Prestige any skill 5 times 750K Cash, 7500 skill tickets, 75 prestige vouchers and small coin casket Medium
Prestige Prestige any skill 10 times 1000K Cash, 10000 skill tickets, 100 prestige vouchers and medium coin casket Hard
Prestige Prestige any skill 20 times 1500K Cash, 15000 skill tickets, 150 prestige vouchers and large coin casket Epic
Prestige Prestige any skill 50 times 2000K Cash, 20000 skill tickets, 200 prestige vouchers and large coin casket Maniac
Prestige Unlocks Purchase 1 prestige perk 500K Cash, 5000 skill tickets, 50 prestige vouchers and small supply crate Easy
Prestige Unlocks Purchase 3 prestige perks 750K Cash, 7500 skill tickets, 75 prestige vouchers and small coin casket Medium
Prestige Unlocks Purchase 7 prestige perks 1000K Cash, 10000 skill tickets, 100 prestige vouchers and medium coin casket Hard
Prestige Unlocks Purchase 13 prestige perks 1500K Cash, 15000 skill tickets, 150 prestige vouchers and large coin casket Epic
Prestige Unlocks Purchase 20 prestige perks 2000K Cash, 20000 skill tickets, 200 prestige vouchers and large coin casket Maniac
Pool Contributor Contribute 100,000 gp to the Pool of Prosperity 1500 Skill tickets and small experience lamp Easy
Pool Contributor Contribute 1,000,000 gp to the Pool of Prosperity 5000 Skill tickets and 5 small experience lamps Medium
Pool Contributor Contribute 10,00,000 gp to the Pool of Prosperity 10000 Skill tickets and 3 medium experience lamps Hard
Pool Contributor Contribute 100,000,000 gp to the Pool of Prosperity 17500 Skill tickets and 3 large experience lamps Epic
Pool Contributor Contribute 1,000,000,000 gp to the Pool of Prosperity 3000 Skill tickets and 10 large experience lamps Maniac
Cabbage Picker Pick 25 cabbages 250 Skill tickets and supply crate Easy
Cabbage Picker Pick 100 cabbages 500 Skill tickets, supply crate and small coin casket Medium
Cabbage Picker Pick 250 cabbages 2500 Skill tickets, supply crate, small and medium coin casket Hard
Cabbage Picker Pick 500 cabbages 7500 Skill tickets, medium and large coin casket and 500K Gold Epic
Cabbage Picker Pick 1,000 cabbages 15000 Skill tickets, 5000K Gold, 2 large coin caskets and supply crate Maniac
Sheep Shearer Shear 25 Sheep 250 Skill tickets and supply crate Easy
Sheep Shearer Shear 100 Sheep 500 Skill tickets, supply crate and small coin casket Medium
Sheep Shearer Shear 250 Sheep 2500 Skill tickets, supply crate, small and medium coin casket Hard
Sheep Shearer Shear 500 Sheep 7500 Skill tickets, medium and large coin casket and 500K Gold Epic
Sheep Shearer Shear 1,000 Sheep 15000 Skill tickets, 5000K Gold, 2 large coin caskets and supply crate Maniac
Shooting Star Mine 50 stardust from the shooting star 250 Skill tickets and 25 uncut red topaz Easy
Shooting Star Mine 250 stardust from the shooting star 500 Skill tickets and 50 uncut opal Medium
Shooting Star Mine 750 stardust from the shooting star 2500 Skill tickets and 150 uncut emeralds Hard
Shooting Star Mine 1,250 stardust from the shooting star 7500 Skill tickets and 250 uncut diamonds Epic
Shooting Star Mine 2,500 stardust from the shooting star 15000 Skill tickets and 500 uncut dragonstones Maniac
Wicked Tree Kill the Wicked Tree for the first time 1500 Skill tickets and small experience lamp Easy
Wicked Tree Kill the Wicked Tree for the 5th time 5000 Skill tickets and 5 small experience lamps Medium
Wicked Tree Kill the Wicked Tree for the 15th time 1000 Skill tickets and 3 medium experience lamps Hard
Wicked Tree Kill the Wicked Tree for the 30th time 17500 Skill tickets and 3 large experience lamps Epic
Wicked Tree Kill the Wicked Tree for the 50th time 30000 Skill tickets and 10 large experience lamps Maniac
Wicked Tree Collection Complete the Wicked Tree collection log 30000 Skill tickets and 10 large experience lamp Easy