Achievement points

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Achievement Points play a central role in the progress of your character. This article will outline the different methods for earning Achievement Points, along with the diverse options for spending them.

1. Earning Achievement Points

Achievement points can be earned in different ways.

1.1. Completing achievements

The most common way for a player to earn Achievement Points, is through completing ... Achievements!

Arigon features a total of 7 Achievement categories :

  • Wilderness achievements
  • Accolades achievements
  • Monster achievements
  • Skilling achievements
  • Minigames achievements
  • Creation achievements
  • Miscellaneous achievements

Completing an achievement within any of these categories will reward you with 1 to 12 Achievement Points, depending on the difficulty of the completed achievement.

You can either choose to actively complete these achievements, or rack them in passively accumulate Achievement Points through these achievements as you progress your account.

1.2. Donation points

The easiest and fastest way to obtain Achievement Points is through donating.

In addition to the benefits a player receives as a donor, they will also earn Donation Credits. To be precise, for every dollar claimed, a player will be rewarded with 1,000 Donation Credits.

These Donation Credits can be spent with through Agent V.I.P., which hosts the Donator Store. The Agent V.I.P. can either be found at Home or in the Donator Zone.

The Donator Store will sell Achievement Point vouchers for 400 Achievement Points each. Each voucher grants one Achievement Point.

1.3. Daily tasks

1.4. Loot keys

Spending Achievement Points

Your hard earned achievement points can be spent at the Achievement Codex, situated at home.