Skill Zone

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Cutting yews at the eastern part
Catching Shrimps at the Skilling Zone docks

The Skill Zone is an area specifically dedicated to train all non-combat skills. Players gain double experience when training in this zone, so they are highly advised to train all skills inside of it.


The Western Castle contains resources to train Thieving and . Players can steal from stalls and pickpocket NPCs to gain Skill tickets and Thieving experience. There is also an everlasting Bonfire to which players can add logs to gain Firemaking experience. Moreover, players will also find a Bank chest, Skillermen and a Master of Prestige if players would want to prestige, trade Skill tickets for skilling supplies or access the bank.


To the North players will find rocks, furnace and anvil which can be used to train Mining and Smithing. There's also a bank chest that is conveniently located, allowing players to quickly level up the two skills.


In the Eastern part of the Island, players will find trees and a sacrificial fire. This area is used to train Woodcutting and by summoning the Wicked tree.


By the Southern docks players will find fishing spots that can be used to train . There is a Banker standing on the boat which can be used to quickly bank all the gathered fish.