Zombie Defenders

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Revision as of 06:25, 5 March 2023 by Celestial (talk | contribs)

Zombie Defenders

Game Mechanics

The Priest

As long as the priest is alive he will slow down the rate of zombies being spawned as well as how many can be spawned at one time. In order to heal the priest, members must contribute resources towards him.


There are various ways of obtaining resources:

  • Dead logs: Trees must be cut down
  • Dead fish: Fish must be caught with a net
  • Plant fiber: Use secateurs on plants or bushes
  • Concrete chips: Use a pickaxe on bricks
  • Concrete bar: Use chips on furnace — <span style="color:#ff0000"> Best resource obtainable</span>s
Death Wisher
The Executioner
Team Storage
The Graveyard