11 April 2023

From Arigon Wikipedia
Revision as of 12:11, 11 April 2023 by Celestial (talk | contribs)

Merchant Walton & Shops

  • Merchant walton will now purchase items that have a maximum value of 25m
  • Merchant Walton now purchases items for 5% more.
  • Merchant Walton was added to the Wilderness Bandits Camp and will purchase a larger quantity of items with a 20% price increase.
  • Merchant Walton can now purchase items worth up to 50m.
  • Fixed summoning shop (Skill tickets * > GP).
  • Reduced bossing shop prices.
  • Merged Fun + Rares in Vote shop.
  • Added "Misc" section for people that want to vote for coin caskets.
  • Added rune/green d'hide legs to Oziach for ironmen.
  • Adjusted the price of the Enchanted set.
  • Adjusted the price of the Rock* shell set.
  • Adjusted the price of the Spined armour set.
  • Adjusted the prices of the Bronze to Rune armour sets (sk & lg) (added value to pieces that didn't have one tied from the OSRS wiki).
  • Adjusted the prices of all Mystic sets.
  • Fixed Infinity robes prices.
  • Adjusted the prices of Green to Black d'hide sets (added value to pieces that didn't have one tied from the OSRS wiki).

Wilderness & Tournaments


  • Base PK tickets given per kill were increased.
  • Killstreak modifier for PK tickets was increased.
  • Killstreaks will now yield PKT instead of coins.
  • Ancient Artifacts can now be exchanged for more PKT.
  • Fixed issues with the bounty hunter targetting system
  • Fixed wilderness levels for the KOTH arena.
  • Dying in the KOTH arena will not remove you from the KOTH active list.
  • Revenant caves are no longer multi.
  • Revenant shards have been renamed to Soul shards.
  • Fixed issue with wilderness agility course
  • Fixed issue with the larran's chest not showing
  • The Tormented Demon Cave entrance has been added.
  • Fixed an issue with revenant caves not factoring proper wilderness levels.
  • Brightened all revenant NPC models.

Extra PvP/Spawn Adjustments:

  • Strong wilderness monsters can now drop Soul shards, which will be purchased by the Master of Death.
  • Master of Death store was modified
  • Fixed Temporary items being able to be noted into their regular versions (AGS, Claws, VLS).
  • Updated magic equipment in the PKP store.
  • Decreased supplies prices in the PKP store.
  • All spawnable items dropped by NPCs for Spawn Players will now automatically convert into coins worth half the value of the item.
  • Edgeville was added as a PvP hotspot location.


  • Fixed issues with Tournament Potions.
  • Fixed object spawns for Tournaments.
  • Fixed Tournament Rune Knives.
  • Fixed incorrect teleport for the Tournament Viewer activity.
  • Increased Tournament rewards.
  • Loaned Dharoks for tournaments have been fixed.
  • Experience will no longer be earned in tournaments.
  • Player damage cache will be cleared at the start of every tournament round.


  • When receiving a slayer task, tasks that are more than 15 levels lower than the player's slayer level will no longer be assigned. (can be toggled by * speaking to the slayer master)
  • Fixed slayer masters' 'assignment' option.
  • Fixed issues with the Black Knight Slayer task.
  • Fixed incorrect dialogue for slayer portal.
  • Aquanite pet is now functioning.
  • Amulet of ranging was added to the Aquanite drop table.
  • Fixed flesh crawler animations.
  • Fixed flesh crawler slayer teleport.
  • Revenant daily task now requires any revenants rather than a specific one.
  • Fixed incorrect animations for bats.
  • Fixed black dragons not counting towards a slayer task.
  • Fixed a black demon slayer task.
  • Revenant implings now count towards the wilderness daily task.
  • Earth warriors now have a drop table.
  • Cave crawlers will now count towards the slayer task.
  • Removed the buggy animation for gargoyles.
  • Jellies were given drops.
  • The death animation for bloodvelds has been fixed.

Zombie Defenders

  • Zombie defender boat ladder is now functional.
  • Fixed issue with zombies being stuck outside the zone.
  • Fixed issue with zombie defender wave not proceeding after all zombies were killed.
  • Zombies will now randomly teleport near a player if there are no players in its viewport.

Item Changes

  • Abyssal whip and dark bow can now be upgraded into a volcanic form using a volcanic spike obtained by the wildywrm.
  • Volcanic whip is a stronger variant that requires 75 attack to equip.
  • Volcanic bow is a stronger variant.
  • Increased the Serp/Magma/Tanzanite helm prices.
  • Increased the Staff of the Dead & Staff of Light prices.
  • Increased the Crystal Armour prices.
  • Increased the Bow of Faerdhinen prices.
  • Fixed the Warrior ring (i) not having an item value.
  • Buffed the Donator cape stats. (Increases with each tier of Donator Rank).

Skilling Adjustments

  • Fixed all hunter skill pass tasks.
  • All skill pass tasks that were previously claimed prior to the reset will now be adjusted accordingly.
  • Fixed an issue with pickaxes/hatchets not allowing you to gather resources if you had a higher* tiered tool in inventory.
  • Completely rewrote rates for implings and butterflies (wilderness impling will be the only rare chance).
  • Fixed summoning experience rates.
  • Buffed mining experience.
  • Buffed smithing experience.
  • Updated AFK Zone.
  • Fixed daily coal task not working.
  • Fixed the ores that didn't do anything in the donator zone.
  • Firemaking experience rates have been fixed.
  • Players will now heal and deal more damage to the wicked tree.
  • Chopping down the wicked tree will now yield more experience and bonus experience once chopped.
  • Fire in the skill zone now works properly.
  • Sacrificing logs to the wicked tree now counts for the firemaking achievements.
  • Ivy trees have been added to the side of the main castle in the skilling zone and can be cut.
  • Gates for golden warblers have been fixed.
  • Achievements/tasks for all courses (gnome, barbarian, and wilderness) have been fixed.
  • Completion of advanced courses will now yield more experience, tickets, and increased chances of obtaining marks.
  • An issue with the coal daily task has been fixed.
  • The Skill Pass has been rewritten; tasks no longer need to be done in order, and all current pass progress was reset.
  • Skill pass amounts and rewards have been updated.
  • Experience for completing advanced agility courses was buffed.
  • Fixed a few issues with skill pass tasks.
  • A message was added when trying to claim a skill pass reward you have not completed yet.

Misc Fixes

  • Fixed issue with setting clan perms to friend only
  • Fixed issue with ancient effigy not dropping
  • Fixed issue with various crossbows
  • Fixed issues with Elite Full Void.
  • Fixed issues with luck doubling for donors.
  • Fixed issues with items being lost on death.
  • Fixed issues with the Donator Benefit button.
  • Bones were added to Supply Crates.
  • General stores will now sell fully charged glories instead of the uncharged variant.
  • Fixed issues with unlocking the Professor Miniquest door.
  • TriviaBot coins will now be added to the inventory or dropped for UIM.
  • UIM can no longer deposit Looting Bag contents into their bank.
  • Players will now gain 250k coins for voting in addition to its previous rewards.
  • Obtaining a Skilling Pet will now count towards the Pet Achievement.
  • Fixed Goblin not counting towards the Thieving Skillpass.
  • Fixed issues with temp AGS render animation.
  • Ironman accounts can now use the Arigon points store.
  • Stamina potions can now be purchased from general stores.
  • The pet insurance offset for the interface has been fixed.
  • The bank command can now be used in the skill zone.
  • UIM accounts can no longer use the custom gear manager.
  • An issue with being able to lay a trap on top of another trap has been fixed.
  • An issue with stronghold of security doors has been fixed.
  • An issue with un* equipping a weapon from the equipment tab not re* calculating combat strategy has been fixed.
  • Donator rank modifiers now apply to experience.
  • Doors blocking Yanille access have been removed.
  • The Ancient Wyvern Shield now requires 70 magic to equip.
  • The value of the Dragonfire Ward has been increased.
  • The vote boss spawn location has been fixed.
  • The issue with owners of clans not being able to join their own clan chat with "friends only" since they can't be their own friend has been fixed.
  • The Augury and Rigour prayers now require 70 defence to use.
  • The magic level requirement for Wind Surge has been fixed.
  • The Dragonfire Breath no longer damages through protection.
  • Ultimate Ironmen can now use bank vaults.
  • An issue with double arrow consumption has been fixed.
  • Various incorrect descriptions for item achievements have been fixed.
  • The Staff of Light no longer resets autocast.
  • Fixed minor issues with dragons (critical hit wasn't using the dragonfire max hit, and black dragons were spawned as metallic dragons).
  • All minigames that set your level will now revert you back to your previous experience rather than the previous level.
  • Ket Zek no longer damages through prayer.
  • Fixed Guthan's warspear not requiring the full set to trigger the effect.
  • Tekton NPC will no longer hit through prayer.
  • Increased coin rewards for voting.
  • Fixed an issue with Jad ignoring protection prayers.
  • Added Frost dragon bones, which are now tradeable.
  • Increased the value of the Blade of Saeldor.
  • Fixed overload and prayer renewal timers.
  • Set a minimum value for the ground item plugin to 0, so items like charms will show.
  • Ironman accounts may now access the Master of Death store.
  • Fixed boosted levels being reset when leveling up.
  • Fixed HP not restoring by a full 10 HP on level up.
  • Fixed bank booth clipping issues.
  • Fixed adventurers/ironman accounts being able to change their account rank via the donator rank widget.
  • Completing clan tasks will now properly display on the information interface.
  • Corporeal beast respawn time was decreased.
  • Lord's protectors no longer hit through prayer.
  • Drop simulator will now factor in active drop bonus effects.
  • Fixed an issue with being able to smuggle out of trade without the trade session closing.
  • Drop rates are no longer as rare.
  • Consumable prices for the adventurer store were decreased.
  • Purchasing items from the consumable store will now be auto* noted.
  • Purchasing items from stores will now send a message on how much was spent.